How well do you know Garfield Heights?
On October 27th. 2012, a group of young people from local Scout Troops came to the Garfield Heights Historical museum to fill out a questionnaire about the history of Garfield Heights. The questionnaire is part of the requirement to earn their "Eye on Garfield Heights" patch.
About 20 Scouts , leaders, and parents attended the event.
Also, the Scouts were able to tour the museum and enjoy all the artifacts, to learn about our past, and to think about how they can contribute to our future.
Below are some of the questions they were required to answer. Do you know as much about your city's past as these young people do?
Many of the answers to this patch program can be found at the Garfield Heights Historical Museum at 5405 Turney Road, Garfield Heights, Ohio 44125. (If you get stuck, we will be happy to help.)
A tour of the Garfield Heights Historical Museum is a wonderful place to start your own
“Eyes on Garfield Heights” patch program.
The museum is open on Saturdays from 1-4 pm. Arrangements to visit at a different time may be made by calling (216) 475-3050 and our E-mail is You can visit us on-line at
Garfield Heights Past
Our City:
*1. What are some of the different names Garfield Heights was known as in earlier times?
2. Garfield Heights was named after ? .
3. A century home is over 100 years old. There are more than 60 such homes in Garfield Heights. At least 25 of them have signs on them indicating their significance. Find one century home and write the address below. ____________________
4. There is a permanent historical marker in front of the St. John Lutheran Church explaining the history of ___________________
5. Name three past Mayors of Garfield Heights
Garfield Heights Historical Museum:
*6. Garfield Heights Historical Museum’s building was built in 1890. The city purchased the building for the museum in 1993. What was the house used for when it was first built? _____________________________
7. Garfield Heights Historical Society began in 1967, by whom?
*8. Visit St. John Lutheran Cemetery located next to the museum. The main entrance is off of Granger Road.
Find the oldest grave. The name that appears on it is _________________
(There is a side entrance by the museum. If the gate to the cemetery is locked the historical museum has a key.)
9. What missionaries first came to the area to shepherd their flock of fur traders?
10. Later in1786, missionaries, John Heckwelder and David Ziesberger led 107 Christian Indians to the area. What country did these missionaries come from? ____________________________
11. What is the name of the first church established in the city in 1895?_____________________
Hometown Heroes:
*12. Honoring the military heroes. Please visit at least 1 of these 4 sites.
· The veteran’s memorial behind the Historical Museum.
· The veteran’s monument across the street from Ss. Peter and Paul church on Turney Road.
· William Foster School was named for a WWII Medal Of Honor recipient from Garfield Heights who covered a Japanese grenade with his body to save his fellow soldiers. This school is
located at 12801 Banger Rd.
· Schlegel Armory is the large one-story building east of Garfield Heights Nature Center. It was dedicated to Captain Albert Schlegel, a WWII Air Corp ace. He destroyed 15 German planes.
13. On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan had just finished addressing a labor meeting at the Washington Hilton Hotel and was walking with his entourage to his limousine when John Hinckley Jr., standing among a group of reporters, fired six shots at the president, hitting Reagan and three of his attendants. What Garfield Heights resident wrestled the gunman to the ground?
Garfield Heights Schools:
14. Maple Leaf Intermediate School was built in what year? __________
15. What are the names of the two city schools that were decommissioned in 1982?
Garfield Park Reservation:
16. In 1894 the city of Cleveland purchased three farms, a half mile south of the city limits as a site for a new south side park. It was officially opened in 1895, as Newburg Park. In 1901 its name was changed to "Garfield Park". Its natural beauty and rolling hills made it perfect for family picnics and families moved in around it to take advantage of the fresh "country-air". Natural gas lights illuminated the park. Wild flowers and birds brought nature lovers during the spring and summer. The rolling hills were famous to sled riders in the winter. Hidden bike paths and two ponds were for boaters, fisherman, and ice skaters to enjoy. In 1910 a larger swimming pool was added and it became an even more popular recreation center. For whom was the Garfield Park named after?
17. In the 1940’s and 1950’s the park began to have several problems. The City of Cleveland could not afford the up keep of the park. It was leased to Cleveland Metroparks in 1986. The Cleveland Metroparks have a 100 year lease and they pay the City of Cleveland how much per year?
$ _____
18. Visit Garfield Park Reservation’s Nature Center to learn more about the park and explore its five trails. The Nature Center is location at 11350 Broadway Avenue and is open from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily.
A. What is the name of the famous spring water that supposedly had special healing powers?
B. What is the name of the woman who was cured as a child by drinking the water?
C. Why are these waters unsafe to drink today?
Garfield Heights Present
Our city:
19. Like many cities, the boundaries of Garfield Heights has changed over the years. Some things that were once considered part of Garfield Heights are now part of Cleveland. Mill Creek Falls is part of the Garfield Heights Reservation but is now located in Cleveland.
This is the tallest falls in _________________ is located near the corner of Turney and Warner. (Follow the signs)
20. Today the street that marks the division of Cleveland and Garfield Heights is called __________ Division.
21. What type of government does the City of Garfield Heights have?
22. Who is our current Mayor? _________________________
Garfield Heights Historical Museum:
23. Herbs have been used for many uses throughout human history. Early settlers brought herbs to America for use as remedies for illnesses, flavoring, storing with linens, strewing on floors, or burning for their pleasant fragrances. In front of the museum is a wonderful herb and perennial garden.
Name three herbs that can be found there.
24. School children regularly visit the museum. Name three popular items the students enjoy. ___________________________
25. Like most communities, Garfield Heights also has religious history.
Before the Revolutionary War, British settlers brought various Protestant faiths. German settlers brought the Lutheran faith. There are several churches and shrines throughout Garfield Heights.
Name churches or shrines in Garfield Heights:
Daisies – 2 churches or shrines; Brownies – 3 churches or shrines;
Junior – 4 churches or shrines; Cadettes – 5 churches or shrines;
Seniors and Ambassadors – 6 churches or shrines
Hometown Heroes:
26. Army Spc. Brad A. Davis, a corporal in the 82nd Airborne, Parachute Infantry Regiment, killed on April 22, 2009 in Iraq; and Marine Gunnery Sgt. Adam F. Benjamin of the 8th Engineer Support Battalion, killed on Aug. 18, 2009 in Afghanistan, were honored by members of the Garfield Heights community for their sacrifice, by naming a street after them. What is the name of this street? _____________________________
Garfield Heights Schools:
27. In January of 2004 the new Garfield Heights High School opened its doors to students for the first time. What are the three buildings that make up the new high school?
28. What is above Maple Leaf Intermediate School’s front doors facing Turney Road?
29. Name schools in Garfield Heights:
Daisies – 2 schools; Brownies – 3 schools; Junior – 4 schools;
Cadettes – 5 schools; Seniors and Ambassadors – 6 schools
30. There are two high schools in Garfield Heights, Garfield Heights High School and Trinity High School. What are their mascots?
Garfield Park Reservation:
31. Name two of the five trails that are in the park?
32. Who owns Garfield Park Reservation? __________________
33. The Nature Center has been renovated several times. What is its current theme?
34. An invasive plant is defined as a plant that is not native and has negative effects on our economy, environment, or human health. Not all plant introduced from other places are harmful. The term ”invasive” is reserved for the most aggressive plant species that grow and reproduce rapidly, causing major changes to the area where they become established. What are the two top invasive plants in Garfield Park today?
Garfield Heights Future
*35. What do you think Garfield Heights will be like in 50 years from now?
Some oldies: The following questions were presented at the second and third meetings of the Garfield heights Historical Society back in October of 1967.
1. What is the shortest street in Garfield Heights?_______________________________________
2. McCracken Road was previously called ______________________________________
3. What school occupied the site now known as Marymount Hospital? _______________________________________
4. In what year was our township incorporated? __________________
5. By what name was Turney Road previously known? _________________________________
6. Who was the first Mayor of our township, and later a village? ____________________________________
7. What is the longest street in our city? _____________________________
8. What was Garfield Park's first name? ________________________________
9. What was our community's first name? _______________________________________
10. Why was White House bridge built? ___________________________________________________
11. Name one of the three oldest manufacturing industries in our city ________________________________________________
12. In what year was the Jennings Home fire wherein 14 lives were lost? _____________________
13. Garfield Heights was formed from what two townships or villages? _________________________________________________
14. What street was the dividing line? _______________________________
15. Garfield Heights is Ohio's _______ largest city
16. The armory (formerly) located in Garfield Park was named after a World War II hero. What was his name? _____________________________
17. At one time, Garfield Heights had two hospitals. Can you name them? ______________________________
18. Oldest Catholic church in Garfield Heights is ___________________________
19. What community withdrew from Garfield Heights? _________________________________________
20. What is the oldest service organization in Garfield Heights? ___________________________________
Things are constantly changing throughout time and 100 years from now the spot in which you are standing could very well be of monumental historical significance. Great things are happening here and you could very well be a part of it. Just keep your eyes on Garfield Heights.