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We have positions needing to be filled:​

Please consider joining and helping with these tasks. All of these jobs involve working with the assistance of other members.

Assistant to Historian - Person with knowledge of history of Garfield Heights and the surrounding area and ability to do research on related matters. 

Program Chairperson - Coordinate and direct programs such as fund raisers, museum events, visits to other museums or events.

Website Development Assistant - Some knowledge of websites to help and backup the webmaster.

Garden Maintenance - Work with others to keep our garden beautiful

Hospitality Chairperson - Plan and coordinate Meeting lunches, refreshment for Museum events

Membership Drive Chairperson - Work with others to attract new members

Inside/Outside Maintenance - Minor repairs, maintaining grounds, etc.

Museum Cleaning -Periodic dusting, vacuuming, washing, etc. as needed.

If  you are interested helping out in any of these areas, call 216-475-3050, leave a message on our E-Mail, or better yet visit us on Saturday afternoons between 1:00 and 4:00, or at our monthly meetings.

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